Service Details


Mixed Billing Practice


Bulk Billing available for Children less than 10yrs old; patients who present valid Centrelink/ healthcare/ pension/ senior's card; certain longer visits for MBS GPMP+TCA/ reviews, 707 & 715 and AHP visits.
All other GP fees are as per UpToDate AMA/SIRA schedule, which is available here:

Procedures will incur non-MBS-rebatable extra $100 or more. Please talk to our receptionist on booking or doctor during consult for further clarification.

Allied Health or specialist

Variety of consult duration, type & charges are available. Please contact receptionist. Failure to keep an appointment with a Specialist or Allied Health Professional will incur a minimum charge of $50.00.

Pathology tests

Mostly fully Medicare relatable. If you have any question please discuss at the time of sample collection.

Get in Touch

Call : 02 9661 3377
Fax : 02 9661 3399
Email :